We will start off at first light.
At first light he was still five miles from shore.
We headed for the destination at first light next morning.
At first light, I started my trek up an alluvial fan into an unnamed canyon in the Cottonwood Mountains.
But towns like Peterhead still rely on the trawlers that come back at first light and the men who skipper them.
He had three big books unfinished, perhaps unfinishable: Islands in the Stream, The Garden of Eden, and True at First Light.
Return so, always lazy on the bed, do not remind of, do not want to move ah, probably just at first light of day that wait for the second day!
At first I didn't catch on, then I suddenly saw the light.
At first that seams awkward because LiquidMetal is mainly known because it is scratch resistant, super strong, and light.
When looked at in light of Spinoza's claim that understanding is believing, these biases and effects could result from our tendency to believe first and ask questions later.
After that, you make a left-hand turn at the first traffic light. The Royal Hotel is on your right side.
Chen Lina, gold medalist at the Asian Sailing Competition in 2008, said she lost the first round because the wind was too light and the second round probably because she was not strong enough.
Yamaha is taking commercial audio into a new realm at Prolight+Sound 2010, with the first European demonstration of its Thin Light Flexible (TLF) loudspeaker technology.
德国Prolight +Sound 2010专业灯光音响展览会上,雅马哈公司第一次于欧洲展示其TLF薄轻巧型扬声器,并以之将商业音响设备引至一个全新的领域。
The startling discovery has come to light at Cambridge University, after the glass vessel was put on public display there for the first time.
He adds, 'Keep it light and fun at first,' getting to know each other at lunch or group outings, a strategy that enabled him and Ms. Walters to learn a lot about each other before they started dating.
Turn left at the first light. You can't miss it.
His eyes, however, were soon greeted by a little, glimmering light, which, at first a long way off, was approaching up the street.
While it may sound "light" at first glance, flirting means connecting with others, and connecting is the key to good communication.
Merton is laughing as he recalls the conversation, and seems anxious at first to make light of it.
When the telegraph first moved information over long distances at the speed of light, we'd hit a new turning point.
They might be a little slow to see the light at first, but don't let that stop you.
Off to Bydgoszcz. At night, tenting a blanket over his head to hide his flash light beam from the Valley Forge duty officer, Salinger (by now called Jerry) had written his first short stories.
I used to be a smoker. The first thing I did when I woke up at 6am was to reach out of bed, grab a cigarette and light up.
When the young man awoke at the first light of morning, he got up and wanted to put on the donkey skin, but he could not find it.
At first, visions of the TARDIS and traveling through time come to mind. However, the technology is used to speed up light and slow it down on opposite sides, thereby creating a "gap."
First, they don't meet in the daytime; they meet either early before light, at dawn, or after dark, at night.
That changed in the early 1960s, when Nick Holonyak, a researcher at General Electric, first learned that semiconductors could generate infra-red light.
That changed in the early 1960s, when Nick Holonyak, a researcher at General Electric, first learned that semiconductors could generate infra-red light.