We were just young kids and all I was bothered about at that time was going and playing.
Sears says that some children were too young at the time of their loss to comprehend it, while others felt they needed to stay strong for the surviving parent and repressed their grief.
A long time ago, there was a young man called Wang Qi. When he heard that there were many immortals in Mount Lao, he went there at once.
Not that we were so young at the time, but in our mid-40s we figured we might be able to add a few good years to whatever our lifespan would be, by taking up walking.
From when I was very young, I understood the significance of the city and what it symbolised since I knew that members of my family were there at the time of the bombing, including my grandfather.
We were unbeaten at home and that is only the second time in the history of the club. We have done that with young players who will be better next season.
A long time ago, there was a young man called Wang Qi. When he heard that there were many immortals on Mount Lao, he went there at once.
A long time ago, there was a young man called Wang Qi. When he heard that there were many immortals on Mount Lao, he went there at once.