The oven delivered by our factory is adapted air distribution device. Before application, customer can adjust fan blade in order to make the temperature difference at the best state.
The simplicity of wabi-sabi is best described as the state of grace arrived at by a sober, modest, heartfelt intelligence.
At the moment, the best guess is that a huge majority of southerners will vote for their own state when they get the chance.
This is in line with the best capitalised European banks-for example Britain's state-controlled RBS, even after it latest round of big losses, stands at about 7%.
To ensure that the optimizer selects a query plan that best reflects the current state of your tables, run UPDATE STATISTICS at regular intervals.
It is one of the best historical, cultural cities at the state level in China.
EGO is equivalent in believing one to be the MASTER CREATOR when you are at best living the worn out dream of another that never achieved such a state in their own incarnation.
If the argument that the Chinese state is uniquely innovative is at best unproven, the obstacles in front of a small private-sector innovator are clear.
Bob: I am one liberal who believes this department spends too much money on national programs like No Child Left Behind that are best addressed at the state level.
Thee former world heavyweight boxing champion, one of the world's best-known sportsmen, died at a hospital in the US city of Phoenix in Arizona state after being admitted on Thursday.
这位前世界重量级拳王是全球最知名运动员之一。 阿里于本周四进入亚利桑那州菲尼克斯市一家医院进行治疗,不幸于今日病逝。 。
The experience is summed up that language communication places the patients at the best psychological state of being treated so as to reach an expected effect of making them discover.
For best results, store the battery at 40% state-of-charge.
The production shows that the best bluing time in normal temperature is from 4 to 8 minutes and bluing film is bright and anti-corrosion capacity is at or higher than the specified state standard.
生产实践表明,常温发蓝的最佳发蓝时间为4 ~8分钟,发蓝膜光亮,耐蚀达到并超过国家规定标准。
We are in a good state of mind and now we need to perform on the day because you have to be at your best to get a result in Spain.
The good convergence state of the globally best solution, which is produced at the iterations, has proved that t…
This is the best result you can expect at the present state of the art in dry cleaning synthetic fabrics.
At the end, the teams in each state with the best returns take home bull-and-bear trophies, gift certificates or other prizes.
But two-thirds also think they will be less able to afford the new medical state-of-the-art, and only half expect Queens hospitals to be among the best at providing it.
But two-thirds also think they will be less able to afford the new medical state-of-the-art, and only half expect Queens hospitals to be among the best at providing it.