They all left at roughly the same time.
The accident occurred at about 11:30 am local time at the mouth of the Manila Bay shortly after the ferry left Manila's port.
He left Cambridge for Shrewsbury a few days later and spent some time at Woodhouse, the home of his former girlfriend, Fanny Owen.
I was oddly moved by the discrepancy between what must have been Hanna's actual concerns when she left my hometown and what I had imagined and theorized at the time.
Anyway, it was kind of a long walk to the library from the apartment I was living in at the time, so even though I had just had a smoke before I left, I decided to have another to pass the time.
The value of a cell at time t + 1 will depend only on the value of that cell and its immediate neighbors to the left and right at time t.
细胞在时间t +1的值将只取决于这个细胞和它的左右邻居在时间 t时的值。
We are going to create another color gradient using the same process but this time it will be at a slight angle from the left to right so that we have a little more of a natural feel.
This lets users bookmark pages, but at the same time provides them with a scroll bar on the body content so that the left navigation menu and header remain visible at all times.
One right-handed university dean told me that she taught herself to mouse with her left hand so she could jot notes at the same time with her right.
Although the people occupying his farm left last year, their legal right to return at any time was never revoked.
Read the infix expression from left to right, one character at a time.
Birds evolved from dinosaurs, but the origin of their feathers may trace back even deeper in time, to the common ancestor of dinosaurs and pterosaurs, like the fossil at left.
The 'legs' of the UNION are processed one at a time, in left-to-right order in the execution plan.
It had a broken left wrist, healing at the time of death, and may have drowned in the volcanic lake at Messel.
While the three countries should negotiate on the same schedule and join the WTO at the same time, Mr. Shuvalov said, he left himself an out if that arrangement slowed negotiations too much.
By shifting the focus further "left" in the lifecycle, we enable our IT staff to be closer to, and spend more time on, the business requirements at hand.
Yesterday we “leaked” the sign up to a small group and we filled about half the spots, but there are a few left if you want to grab one now (19 slots at the time of this writing).
She was a civil servant. Every morning we left home together and got home almost at the same time.
Finally, guests can check-out from their mobile device at any time, even once they have left the property, settling outstanding charges via secure payment systems.
To promote their product, the manufacturers of Listerine employed the personal experience of girls at the time, who desperately wanted to settle down but seemed always to be left on the shelf.
Still it was early. I sat staring at the clock for some time and, when its ticking began to irritate me, I left the room.
The progress reflected an effort to re-establish ties a year after Russia’s war with Georgia left the relationship more strained than at any time since the fall of the Soviet Union.
My client registered with the police each time she arrived at a new address and each time she left.
My client registered with the police each time she arrived at a new address and each time she left.