Mary and Tom Poppendieck have been finding that effective software development has much in common with Lean or TPS - not at the practical level, but at the level of principles [Poppendieck03, 07].
At a practical level, this vision must align with the realities of the corporate culture and what is possible within that culture.
The rhetoric of open source has convinced many businesses and individuals to use, and even develop, free software, which has extended our community-but only at the superficial, practical level.
Yet while this view of I.Q. as overwhelmingly inherited has been widely held, the evidence is growing that it is, at a practical level, profoundly wrong.
At the same time, an enterprise architect should be able to view his or her domain at a level of abstraction that forestalls direct involvement in the practical aspects of implementations.
The report also Outlines five practical programs at the national level to link rapid confidence-building to longer-term institutional transformation.
All accounts and customers in the system are the retailer's, so it's not practical to create a single instance of Company and associate it with all accounts, so Company is omitted at this level.
American classical at another level and highlight the simple and practical, random natural characteristics.
At present this technology has not reached the practical industrial application level and it has many issues to be studied.
They carried their baggage to live at the crew to pass on the instructions of the higher level in time and help Beiwu 5 to sovle the practical problems whenever and wherever possible.
At a practical level, we are advising community members and visiting scholars from the designated countries to suspend plans for international travel.
It must be practical at the same time in terms of financial readiness, timing, maturity level, etc.
In accordance with specific conditions, the paper discusses the practical work of quality assurance in a basic environmental monitoring station at county level.
At the same time, it can improve ourselves level of both theoretical and practical expertise.
Middling education of Chinese medicine has made great contributions in bringing up practical professionals at the grass-roots level.
At the age of knowledge-based economy, how to transfer the advanced science and technology into talented people with medium and high level skill and practical ability is the pressing demand of times.
How to strengthen and improve the construction of rural organizations at basic level is not only a vital theoretical subject for us to study and solve, but also a practical problem.
One practical application of AI has been in the area of expert systems. An expert system is a computer program that solves specialized problems at the level of a human expert.
The learner at this level solves practical problems by applying information comprehended at the previous level.
It aims at training students practical competence effectively at a higher level. So it should highlight the practical application.
Although In-post Practice is now in full swing on the practical level, theoretical study on the In-post Practice is still at the initial stage, lacking theoretical research based on literature review.
Introduced the concept , theoretical and practical foundation of teaching at different level, and analysed difficulty that university computer teaching faced.
Introduced the concept , theoretical and practical foundation of teaching at different level, and analysed difficulty that university computer teaching faced.