He started work at the sharp end of the business, as a salesman.
The Blues have started their PremierLeague campaign brightly, impressing at the sharp end of the table with 20goals in their opening nine league matches.
The deal follows calls by Germany and France for Spain and other states at the sharp end of the euro zone debt crisis to set binding limits on their deficits to regain the trust of investors.
At the sharp end, mortgage brokers bent the rules to get subprime borrowers to sign "liars' loan" documents, encouraged by the insatiable demand from Wall Street banks for mortgage securities.
You're clutching a light spear with a sharp, pointed stone at the end of it.
At the top end of the pay scale, however, these encouraging trends go into sharp reverse.
For a body that works at society's sharp end, the hostel has many friends in high places, including Banks.
Attention has been focused on Ireland since the sharp movement in markets at the end of last week.
That is a sharp increase from the low of $1.62 a gallon that prevailed at the end of last year.
The device that imaged the dust speck is called an atomic force microscope, which maps the shape of particles in three dimensions by scanning them with a sharp tip at the end of a spring.
At the end of the road there was a sharp bend, known as Captain's bend.
The next 2 km are uphill then flat and the 15k point is at the end of sharp downhill.
At the other end of the spectrum, we can be motivated, directed, focused and have laser-sharp intention to usher our potential in on a red carpet.
What I am holding is long and curved and sharp at the end.
He made the remarks at the end of a three-day visit to India that confirmed its status as a rising global power - a sharp contrast to Pakistan's reputation as an unstable, militancy-wracked nation.
But if you did, you'd find that, with a conventional displacement flight control system, you'd spend at least ninety-nine percent of your time just trying to keep the sharp end pointed into the wind.
But Mr Rogoff, who leaves the fund at the end of the month, said the large and growing US current account deficit would at some point provoke a sharp decline in the dollar.
But Mr Rogoff, who leaves the fund at the end of the month, said the large and growing US current account deficit would at some point provoke a sharp decline in the dollar.