The movie makes for great conversation at the water cooler.
Plus, I noticed Bill hangs out at the water cooler a lot. I think we should fire Bill.
That's why it makes sense to get a work Pal to chat with at the water cooler and to help you get through the week.
In a collocated team, collaboration can happen informally in the hallway or "at the water cooler," as well as in face-to-face meetings.
So when they were sitting in front of the microscope, when they were talking to their colleague at the water cooler, and all these things.
As the "paper of record," exclusive access to premium content from famous journalists might be appealing to a crowd that aims to impress at the water cooler and cocktail parties.
Whether our workload is heavy or light, we may have to contend with isolation (no more chats at the water cooler), lack of sunshine and exercise… all of which add up to one stressed out freelancer.
However, there is also an eddy of cooler water (purple) circulating counterclockwise at the top of the Loop Current.
So “water cooler chichat” has come to refer to all types of informal communication that take place at the office.
It should be noted here that our team is geographically dispersed so, although we talk on the phone regularly, we do not get the chance to chew the fat at lunch or around a water cooler.
Reporting on progress happens in formal Settings, such as at meetings, but often also in informal Settings, such as around the water cooler or maybe even over a drink after work.
Containers of water are placed at the top and bottom of the cooler.
Whether it is while playing with our children in the park, or washing clothes in a river, or taking a break at the office water cooler, we come together and talk about our aspirations and concern.
Television executives have long endeavoured to create "water-cooler" shows which people will talk about at work the next day.
Underits trans-critical cycle, there appears a large temperature glide at the cooler rejection, which makes CO2 have a wide application in the water heater.
Neural networks may someday give robots enough artificial sense to, say, vacuum the carpet in a simple office without knocking over the water cooler, at least not more than once.
There should be a measurable residual of the sanitizer employed at the water discharge point of the container cooler.
Most of the water cooler gossip at my place is about office romance.
Most of the water cooler gossip at my place is about office romance.