The atmospheric air pressure is low, a major factor in the air does not flow. As a result of the air does not flow, make the tiny particles in the air is gathered, floating in the air.
英语翻译 1。大气空气气压低,空气不流动时主要因素。由于空气的不流动,使空气中的微小颗粒聚集,漂浮在空气中。
Explain that the air around them presses against everything and likewise presses down on the water in the jar, forcing the water up the neck of the bottle when atmospheric air pressure rises.
Every 1000 metres increase in altitude reduces atmospheric pressure - and hence the density of the air - by about 11 per cent (though the precise formula is more complicated than this).
海拔每上升1000米大气压力- - -也就是空气密度- - -会降低大概11%(虽然精确的公式比这要更复杂。)
To get a feel for what this would mean, bear in mind that the amount of oxygen in a given volume of air changes with atmospheric pressure, and the local pressure changes with the weather.
This decreases the quantity of air in that area, and therefore decreases the atmospheric pressure.
Atmospheric pressure is the weight of all that air against the surface of the earth.
A device used to sample air in order to measure wind speed or airspeed and atmospheric pressure.
There, the cooled air sinks, raising atmospheric pressure and suppressing rain along most of the Pacific coast, making it one of the driest regions in the world.
A distribution of air pressure and the mass of a given volume of air such that the air density is not a function only of atmospheric pressure.
Where warm and cool air lie side by side, atmospheric pressure decreases with height more rapidly in the cool than in the warm air, because the cool air is more compressed.
Compressed air of the energy is provided by a certain way to let the compressed air expansion to atmospheric pressure state and of generation.
The weight of the air pushing on us is known as atmospheric pressure, or air pressure.
With the increase of altitude (above sea level), atmospheric pressure decreases, which leads to a reduction of the air amount inhaled into the cylinder of diesel engines.
A distribution of air pressure and the mass of a given volume of air such that the air density is a function of only atmospheric pressure.
The hexagon and square gridding patterns were observed in Ar(0.5%Air) at atmospheric pressure by using a dielectric barrier discharge set up with double water electrodes.
采用双水电极的介质阻挡放电装置,在混有0 .5 %空气的大气压氩气放电中观察到了六边形及正方网格斑图;
The atmosphere is all the air surrounding the earth. Atmospheric pressure is the weight of all that air against the surface of the earth.
For those of you who love details, you will note that the amount of air pressure provided to you for an engine start will vary realistically with atmospheric conditions and airport elevation.
The outer envelope of all four sections contains air maintained at atmospheric pressure.
Working principle: when the internal piping and tank vacuum, atmospheric pressure will be the valve cover, air enters the system, balance the system pressure, eliminate the effect of vacuum.
Drag to add a hydraulic reservoir at atmospheric pressure, with return line below fluid level and air filter.
Hydraulic reservoir at atmospheric pressure, with return line below fluid level and air filter.
The I-V characteristic curve of MOM presents a negative resistance feature at low atmospheric pressure., and a memory effect in air.
In order to study the effect of atmospheric pressure air plasma on insulating material surface modification, using dielectric barrier discharge to modify polystyrene surface.
Moreover, in pressure condition, the air flow rate is not greater than that in atmospheric pressure.
Under a constant atmospheric pressure, why decrease in air temperature will lead to decrease in water vapour holding capacity, and thus, increasing its relative himidity(RH)?
The factors of influences precision of observation data are mainly instrument failure, water level, atmospheric pressure and air temperature.
The cool corridor on the north and the warm space on the south create a difference in atmospheric pressure which provides air circulation and insulates the space.
The cool corridor on the north and the warm space on the south create a difference in atmospheric pressure which provides air circulation and insulates the space.