The atmospheric refraction is a main cause to remote sensing image distortion.
While a prism can make a dramatic rainbow, atmospheric refraction isn't that strong.
While a prism can make a dramatic rainbow, atmospheric refraction isn't that strong.
The result of optical measurement, which is affected by the factor of atmospheric refraction, is discussed.
Therefore, atmospheric refraction modification must be made in order to improve the accuracy of measurement.
A formula of atmospheric refraction error of range measured by difference frequency delay method is presented.
The error of correction for atmospheric refraction is one of the biggest error sources in precise GPS measurement.
The effect of atmospheric refraction error on observed value is a very thorny problem in EDM trigonometric leveling.
Seen here, the near perigee Full Moon still hugs the horizon, distorted by atmospheric refraction as it rises over Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Through data simulating, the thesis proves that atmospheric refraction is not a neglected factor in to aerial digital remote sensing images.
The method to correct atmospheric refraction that directly influences the measurement accuracy of total station monitoring system is studied.
Radio wave bending is caused by atmospheric refraction, which leads to the distance measured by radio navigation system different from the truth.
The model is applied to the real-time correction of atmospheric refraction coefficient and a mixed GANN real-time correction model is established.
The usable accurate error values can not be given by the existing atmospheric refraction theories, especially in the case of greater zenith distances.
On the basis of the data acquired by sounding balloon, the influence of the atmospheric model on the calculation of atmospheric refraction was discussed.
The development of the mapping function of atmospheric refraction, which is a basic research project in practical Astronomy and Geodesy, is listed in this paper.
Based on the analysis of present methods for atmospheric refraction correction, a new correction model is put forward based on the refraction Angle of the line of sight.
In addition, we research atmospheric refraction influence to space-earth satellite communication, and put forward that amending emission Angle can eliminate excursion between beam and satellite.
The Chinese also launched weather balloons near their theodolites to measure atmospheric temperature and pressure changes to better estimate refraction errors.
A sundog is another atmospheric optical phenomenon caused by the refraction of sunlight by tiny ice crystals in clouds.
This doesn't take into account atmospheric distortion, refraction through a window, or less than ideal contrast, all of which would lessen the real distance at which it could be discerned.
Atmospheric vertical refraction is the main factor which affects the precision of EDM trigonometric levelling.
A new continued fraction form of the mapping function deduced from the generator function method is applied into both the atmospheric delay and the astronomical refraction.
The radio wave propagation velocity is slowed and the ray producing bend but to the asymmetry of the atmospheric medium, the refraction error is produced.
Atmospheric turbulence occurs with the variation of refraction index of atmosphere caused by random variation of atmospheric temperature and pressure.
Atmosphere absorbs the electromagnetic wave so that the radar detection distance be reduced, and the atmospheric unusual refraction changes the radar detection distance too.
Atmosphere absorbs the electromagnetic wave so that the radar detection distance be reduced, and the atmospheric unusual refraction changes the radar detection distance too.