There is the information content of atmospheric water vapour in direct solar radiation measured with a solar spectrometer.
Calcium oxide although having excellent refractory properties is rarely used because of hydration by atmospheric water vapour.
It would be better if there were some way to see atmospheric water while it is still vapour, before raindrops form.
The idea is to test the effects on the atmospheric window of various pollutants, and also of water vapour, by releasing them into the building.
In comparison with experimental data, the dimer water vapour is a factor of nonlinearity between the relationship of atmospheric absorption and total water vapour content, but it is not the only one.
In this work, we studied the absorption of water vapour and water dimer vapour in millimetre and centimetre wavelength, and its effect on microwave remote sensing of atmospheric humidity.
Under a constant atmospheric pressure, why decrease in air temperature will lead to decrease in water vapour holding capacity, and thus, increasing its relative himidity(RH)?
Under a constant atmospheric pressure, why decrease in air temperature will lead to decrease in water vapour holding capacity, and thus, increasing its relative himidity(RH)?