The occurrence of fetal cardiac arrhythmia was 14 cases (16 % ), with the majority of atrial premature beat.
Results showed that long _ cycle leading to atrial fibrillation and flutter were mostly compensating period due to atrial premature beat or obviously sinus bradycardia.
Results 141 patients morbidity rate of abnormal electrocardiogram was 65.25%. The morbidity of atrial premature beat in right cerebral haemorrhage group was more common(P<0.05).
Conclusion: atrial overdrive can prevent AF, which may results from accelerating interatrial conduction, inhibiting atrial premature beat, eliminating sinus bradycardia and long short interval.
Main change types of ECG in children with epilepsy were atrial premature (9.4%), ST-T change (5.9%), conduction block (5.9%) and ventricular premature beat (4.7%).
癫痫患儿心电图改变以房性早搏(9.4%)、ST - T改变(5.9%)、传导阻滞(5.9%)、室性早搏(4.7%)为主。
In them, sinus tachycardia, myocardial ischemia, atrial and ventricular premature beat were common.
In them, sinus tachycardia, myocardial ischemia, atrial and ventricular premature beat were common.