An RFID tag will be attached to "each tree to track ownership, growth, maintenance and the lumber yield from each tree owner's stand," according to the company.
Just prior to launching a new product, the company sent the blogger a free sample, inviting him to review it with no strings attached.
The company knows that, for many users, the main reason they run Firefox instead of one of the other browsers out there is for the extensions they've become attached to.
Add a link - if it 's a company blog, or if it's attached to another site, add a link to the blog from the main navigation on the parent website.
Xx Company is nortorious for its on-site fly-tipping, giving rise to terrible pollution and a great number of rubbish collectors. please see attached for the proving photographs.
Our company has attached great importance to the security which is the most important thing during all constructions. We will use materials strictly in accordance with regulations.
The warehouse keepers tally cargoes in lieu of the cargo-owner or the consignee, but they themselves are attached to the stevedoring company.
Established in 1966, the Van Doren rubber Company produced simple canvas and vulcanized rubber shoes and sold them directly to the public in a store attached to the factory.
Please find attached the letter to XYZ from us, the ABC Company.
附件是我A BC公司致xyz的信函,请你查收。
The company produces organic synthesis device has been patented for the synthesis of 5-attached device, is used to develop new chemical reactions and catalyst to explore the optimum conditions.
Crowd-sourced navigation company Waze attached some demo phones to its booth's signage above the crowd, hoping for some fly-by visibility.
Our company is attached to the professional association of Liaoning exit& entry agency.
The company attached great importance to product quality and has built good relationship with customers.
The company attached great importance to product quality and has built good relationship with customers.