This happens because the ciliary muscle is attached to the tissues that go around the back of the eye.
Thinking about Linux and storage commonly conjures an image of direct-attached disks or the latest file system, but there's much more to storage and Linux than meets the eye.
关于Linux和存储通常让人想到直接附加存储或最新的文件系统,但是关于存储和 Linux还有比所看到的多得多的东西。
In this way, you become attached to that Rolls Royce. That means that you are attached to a non-living thing because of its color and form – a visible object – and because of the eye.
If you look inside from the main gate, you will see them neatly attached to the central gates of all the rows of houses, their bright red color making them very eye-catching.
The ears are triangular in shape with a rounded lower edge, set low and attached to the skull at approximately eye level.
Feel close to their native land, attached simple neighbors, pass by to say hello sound a blink of an eye had been transferred to several bends, return the cordial greetings.
Feel close to their native land, attached simple neighbors, pass by to say hello sound a blink of an eye had been transferred to several bends, return the cordial greetings.