Once a trial is granted, attorney fees and court costs increase dramatically.
The amount awarded by the court will rarely pay the full amount of the attorney fees.
DIY can save attorney fees, however, it may increase the opportunity and emotional costs.
In addition to attorney fees, when cases go to court, there is the additional expense of “court costs”.
If you want to through the legal approach, that is about to produce the litigation costs, attorney fees, etc.
That Defendant be awarded all reasonable attorney fees, court costs, and other reasonable costs and expenses of this action.
If Seller undertakes collection or enforcement efforts, Buyer shall be liable for all costs thereof, including attorney fees.
If he had purchased an apartment of the same value, he would have had to put down 30%, pay a large stamp duty and attorney fees.
If a trial is necessary, the court has the authority to order one spouse to pay the other's attorney fees in alimony, child support and child custody matters.
Scholars of jurisprudence rarely specialize in the research of attorney fees in China, let alone risk representation system, although clients attach great importance to them.
Party a agrees to pay the attorney fees and other costs and expenses (including expenses for board and lodging, business trips, communications, etc.,) taken under such circumstances.
The plaintiff wants Christie’s to reimburse him for the attorney fees he incurred trying to collect payment for 44 lots (mostly high-value Bordeaux wines) sold last November to mainland buyers.
In the end, because of my sloppiness, I had to spend thousands more in legal fees than I would have had I hired an attorney at the start.
Barry Himmelstein, an attorney for customers who objected to the deal, said he calculated that the bank actually raked in $4.5 billion through the overdraft fees and was repaying less than 10 percent.
This attorney charges somewhat reasonable fees.
Customer agrees to pay all reasonable costs of collection including attorney 's fees and court courts incurred in connection with collecting Customer' s indebtedness to Issuer hereunder.
In the event of a dispute arising under this Agreement resulting in litigation, the loosing party shall pay the court costs and reasonable attorney "s fees of the prevailing party."
In the event of a dispute arising under this Agreement resulting in litigation, the loosing party shall pay the court costs and reasonable attorney "s fees of the prevailing party."