Note that the specification of the target quality attribute for the reengineered system is not specific to our work.
Note that the asset type, relationship type, asset attribute, and category schema are defined at the repository level.
Note that the case insensitivity only applies to element and attribute values, not to the tag names themselves.
Note that for this information to be available, the element or attribute has to be valid with respect to the schema used.
It's important to note that the name in this case is an attribute and not the name of the item itself.
Note: You could use the defer attribute, but not all browsers— including Firefox— support it.
Note that the value for the basename attribute should not include any localization suffixes or filename extensions.
Note that the value specified for the name attribute becomes the data source name and must match the references in the other elements.
Note that when working with multiple development lines the Planned For attribute (see below) also affects the team area a work item is associated to.
请注意,在处理多条开发线的时候,Planned For属性(参见下面)也影响与工作物件关联的团队区域。
Note that the TargetAttribute elements contain an attribute called type, which represents a parameterized argument to a smart type tracer.
注意,Target At tribute元素包含一个名为type的属性,它表示智能类型跟踪程序的参数化变量。
Note that I also defined two new cell prefixes, each including an appropriate table: style-name attribute.
注意,我还定义了两个新的单元格前缀,每个都包含一个适当的table:style - name属性。
Note that the tag's cascade attribute is set to none. That's because we don't want to delete products from the catalog when we delete an order.
Note: Replace the "configuration" attribute of tag with the absolute path to your ExampleDatabaseRoles.xml file.
注意:用ExampleDatabaseRoles . xml文件的绝对路径更换标记的“配置”属性。
Note the use of the assign keyword here to create a variable attribute for setting the counter's value.
Note that, for the Bus, the service name comes from the name attribute of the service element of the WSDL describing the service.
Note that I can use echo's attribute, message, or I can simply pass in a desired String.
Note the processing of the class attribute of the tag.
Note that the syntax of using the $treeFarm context attribute reference is identical to the $treeList variable reference examined earlier.
要注意,使用 $treeFarm上下文属性引用的方法和前面分析的 $treeList变量引用一致。
Note the disable-output-escaping attribute; it essentially tells the processor to blindly copy its content in the result document.
请注意disable - out put -escaping属性;它全盘告诉处理器将其内容盲目地复制到结果文档中。
Note that only a policy which includes the Optional attribute or the <wsp:ExactlyOne> operator has more than one alternative.
注意,只有包含可选属性或 <wsp:ExactlyOne>操作符的策略才有多个替代。
Note that Synth uses the attribute that was defined last to render the component.
注意,Synth 使用最后定义的属性来显示组件。
Note the generated attribute on the cart element, which is a timestamp produced by System.currentTimeMillis().
请注意cart元素的generated属性,它是 System.currentTimeMillis() 生成的一个时间戳。
Note that the about attribute requires the RDF namespace.
Note that this value matches the name attribute of the credential store gbean shown in Listing 11.
请注意,此值与清单11 中所示的凭据库gbean的name属性匹配。
Note the xsi: type attribute points to the complex type that ProductElement refers too.
Note that the uri attribute that is specified matches the taglib-uri value specified in the web.xml file.
注意指定的ur i属性与在web . xml文件中指定的taglib -uri值相匹配。
Each note will have a unique id attribute, so you need to know what the current total is.
Note that if the step attribute is omitted, the step size defaults to 1.
It is important to note how the attribute declaring user's role (for example: "Guest") must be based on a nomenclature established by both ACME Inc. and JHKL Inc. during their business agreement.
Note the use of the defaultSpace attribute on the rules element.