Now let us attune to our light body.
Attune to us if we cross your path or invade you home.
When the women attune to the song, they sing it out loud.
Attune to one's hologram and one will hear the Earth Mother and the Tao with ease.
One may attune to the script for ascension through one's conscious freewill choice.
Each may attune to earth and request this alteration of energy flow, and so it will be.
If you wish to work with the flower kingdom, you may attune to the vibrations that we each hold.
Instead of controlling, one may awaken another to be able to attune to their knowledge from within.
Each quest will allow the Sorceror or Conjuror to learn the ability to attune to a location with the game world.
Now let us sit quietly and attune to our soul oversoul and source along with the earth mother and nature kingdoms.
For one will be able to attune to the void of infinite possibility, and therein will lie one's answer or direction.
We hope that each reading this page can attune to the regenerative vibrations and movement of energy in YellowstonePark.
And when you can, attune to the spirit of cooperation and offer a calm word or peaceful gesture to your fellow travelers.
Each can choose now to attune to this light and begin one's own journey towards another destination of "home" to the Tao.
Attune to the Tao flow available and expand into octaves of light infused states of being that shall enlighten your awareness.
Each may attune to this movement in order to play one's music in harmony with the entire multidimensional ascending consensus.
Perhaps as more humans rise out of the pain through ascension, they will attune to such a thing and cease to purchase fur again.
You will come out smelling like a flower and as you attune to the flower kingdom we will aid you in sweetening the music in your field too.
What lies ahead is more about love than anything else, especially if you can attune to a "wideband" definition and that's not just limited to romance.
We invite initiates to attune to the 48 minerals associated with the tones of creation for ascension as these will be supportive of your spiritual goal.
The Dreamtime of True Timing projects the heartbeat of earth, or the rhythm with which all much attune to in order to align in present time to ascend together.
The Dreamtime of True Timing projects the heartbeat of earth, or the rhythm with which all much attune to in order to align in present time to ascend together.