For example, metadata about a recorded song might include information about its artist, album, composer, length, or quality, whereas the data is the audio recording itself.
Audiophile values may be applied at all stages of music reproduction: the initial audio recording, the production process, and the playback, which is usually in a home setting.
In between, you'll find reviews of audio hardware, recording, and mixing.
Listing 2 contains code for recording audio on an Android device.
Binary custom properties support allows for the attaching of arbitrary binary values; for example, an audio recording or scanned image, to a human task on the fly, using key-value pair semantics.
You can equally easily obtain an audio recording of Pride and Prejudice or track a reference in The Wealth of Nations.
Witness the way Canon, Nikon and others, not content with including audio recording in their digital cameras, have now added high-definition video and even built-in projectors as well.
As team-member Ann Daniels explains in this audio recording from the ice they were woken up suddenly in the night by the sound of the ice literally cracking around them.
Some were given the words at night (played via an audio recording), then required to stay awake until morning in the lab.
But what if you want to improve the quality of your audio recording while taking video?
You can use the sound editing software to create and edit voice and audio recording.
Third pass - Recording audio files
Certain kinds of works-for example, musical, dramatic, and literary works-may be fixed not in "copies" but by means of sound in an audio recording.
In 2006, a computer analysis of the audio recording found evidence that Armstrong did say the missing "a."
When shooting video, we noted that audio recording starts slightly later than the video, leaving the first half second or so without sound.
Worse was to come: having gone back into the classroom, Clancy and Goodman claim they then discovered an audio recording system, hidden in a cupboard.
Audio recording is also an option.
It may help to have an instructor or audio recording to follow.
You can use an audio recording to help you focus on each muscle group, or you can learn the order of muscle groups and do the exercises from memory.
Audiophile values may be applied a tall stages of music reproduction: the initial audio recording, the production process, and the playback, which is usually in a home setting.
An introduction is given in the article to an automatic frequency modulation broadcasting system with digital audio recording function based on the computer software and hardware.
" It's a decades-old audio recording of a very distinctive scream that has become a "pet sound effect" to many sound editors.
Overall: User friendly software with rich features for audio recording and editing.
Give an implement scheme of digital interface audio card based on DSP, ISP and special digital audio interface chip, which can do full process of audio recording, playing, editing and compressing.
The paper presents the normal ways of underwater TV video and audio recording, and describes the new underwater TV control unit-SXD-IIIBFR which is embedded DVR (Digital video Recorder).
A digital audio recording, storing and playing system based on FPGA includes the processing of audio signals, the access to SDRAM and the display on LCD (character).
Proficient with digital video cameras, audio recording, and non-linear editing;
Proficient with digital video cameras, audio recording, and non-linear editing;