With out six combo boxes, we opted to allow the configuration of the video resolution, framerate and bitrate, as well as the audio sample rate and the compression bitrate.
The other approach is changing the three sections of the audio sample rate of the value to adjust the three sections of the audio energy in relativity to achieve a secret watermark embedding.
Contributing to the file size, in order of importance, are the parameters that set the video bit rate, audio sample frequency, audio bit rate, then frame size.
Figure 7 shows the audio setting entries for audio bit rate, sample rate, and audio channels.
The audio sample frequency and audio bit rate for Flash are less than the default value of 44100 Hz while those for Windows Media Player and QuickTime are higher than the default value.
Digital Audio Interface (DAI) enabling user-definable access to peripherals including 8-channel asynchronous sample rate converter.
Audio effects include, amplify, normalize, equaliser, envelope, reverb, echo, reverse, sample rate conversion and more.
The sender tracks the packet loss status according to the algorithm-loss rate estimation based on variable frame size and switches two audio sample files in accordance with packet loss status.
传送端根据以变动框架长度为基础之 遗失率估算法,来估算目前网路上封包遗失的状况,并以此作为切换高低音质档案的依据。
The sender tracks the packet loss status according to the algorithm-loss rate estimation based on variable frame size and switches two audio sample files in accordance with packet loss status.
传送端根据以变动框架长度为基础之 遗失率估算法,来估算目前网路上封包遗失的状况,并以此作为切换高低音质档案的依据。