A typical audit log file on my system is shown in Listing 1; it shows the trail record, as well.
The audit log file (db2audit.log) can grow very quickly. It is a good idea to prune it on a regular basis.
审计日志文件(db2audit . log)可能增长很快,所以定期对该文件进行修剪是一种好做法。
Thus, if the filesystem that contains the audit log files fills up, it still continues to write events to the beginning of the log file.
The stream mode is my personal choice, because it offers real-time viewing of audit events due to the audit log file being written to in text mode.
Due to the large amount of data in the audit log table, a single INSERT statement will usually fail because the data per transaction exceeds the log file size of the database system.
This helps me to identify straight away, when viewing the audit log or the audit report, if there has been a read or write access on the file.
For audit to understand how to print each object as a record to the audit log, it needs a corresponding entry in the /etc/security/events file.
为了让审计系统了解如何将每个对象作为一条记录输出到审计日志中,需要使用 /etc/security/events文件中的相应条目。
Pruning records from the audit log that you have already extracted into a text file also prevents you from extracting the same records a second time. To prune the db2audit.log.
Listing 2 shows a script with events that could be ignored from the audit log stream.out file.
清单2给出一个脚本以及审计日志stream . out文件中可以忽略的事件。
WebSphere MQ FTE is a new edition of WebSphere MQ that manages secure and reliable file transfers, and publishes messages that provide an audit log of the transfers.
WebSphereMQFTE是WebSphere MQ的一个新版本,它可以设法实现安全可靠的文件传输,并能发布关于传输审计日志的消息。
WebSphere MQ FTE is a new edition of WebSphere MQ that manages secure and reliable file transfers, and publishes messages that provide an audit log of the transfers.
WebSphereMQFTE是WebSphere MQ的一个新版本,它可以设法实现安全可靠的文件传输,并能发布关于传输审计日志的消息。