Stimulate your child's auditory senses and encourage their sense of rhythm and dance.
Piano performance is an art guided and controlled by human's auditory sense of music, which is an indispensable part of the teaching and practice of piano.
Based on the psychoacoustic theory and experiments this paper presents an auditory sense model which simulates the characteristics of human sense of hearing speech loudness.
Through a case study of correspondence, in which auditory sense is presented by description of sense of taste, the author points out the importance of sense of taste in traditional Chinese culture.
That’s 4 times a minute your brain is trying to switch gears and make sense out of a new set of visual (and auditory) stimuli.
That's 4 times a minute your brain is trying to switch gears and make sense out of a new set of visual (and auditory) stimuli.
The article classifies image concerning the ways of perception of human being: auditory image, visual image, taste image, scent image, tactile image, move sense image.
There are three kinds of human memory - visual memory, auditory memory, the sense of smell and memory.
People regard music as an auditory art, therefore the sense of hearing has irreplaceable position in music.
People regard music as an auditory art, therefore the sense of hearing has irreplaceable position in music.