The composition of the implanted layer was analysed with Auger electron spectroscopy.
The simulation of the Auger electron emissions in scanning probe electron energy spectrometer (SPEES) is reported.
Auger electron Spectrscopy (AES) has widespread use in determining the chemical and electronic structure of solid surface (40a).
The structure and chemical compositions of the surface oxide film were investigated by XRD and Auger electron spectrometry (AES).
Some results of quantitative analysis, including depth quantitative analysis, on Model JAMP-10 Auger Electron Mieroprobc are given.
给出了利用JAMP - 10型俄歇电子谱仪进行定量分析(包括深度定量分析)的一些结果。
The composition of surface layer of uranium and treated uranium have been analyzed respectively by Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES).
This conclusion is supported by Auger electron spectroscopy data, which show a chromium uptake in the outer layers of the immersed films.
The heated oxidation film of U-Nb alloy is studied by auger electron spectroscopy (AES) at different temperature in the high vacuum chamber.
The initial oxidation of pure iron and implanted samples which were overlapped energy ion–implanted with C ions was studied by auger electron spectroscopy (AES).
用俄歇电子能谱 (AES)研究高真空室中纯铁和多能量叠加注碳纯铁表面与氧气吸附及初始氧化过程。
The surface defects of silver COINS was analysed with auger electron spectroscopy (AES), Scanning electronic microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrum (EDS).
Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) are used to analyze component and surface morphology of the films.
From Auger Electron Spectroscopy, it has been found that the outer layer of a rouge film is carbon rich, and the underlying region is iron and oxygen rich, probably iron oxide.
The content of this article includes Auger electron emission, surface sensitivity, measurement of Auger electron spectrum, qualitative and quantitative analysis, depth profile etc.
The characteristics of the electron_injected film were analyzed and discussed, in terms of the microstructure analyses in the film with the Auger electron spectroscopy and the infrared spectrum.
The chemical state of silver in the films was analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectrum, and Auger electron spectrum was performed to determine the concentration of silver atoms in various films.
对抗菌膜进行了扫描电镜、X 射线光电子谱和俄歇电子谱的研究与分析,发现抗菌膜中存在多种以银元素的化合物。
The dominant factor for Auger signal during the interface analysis is the altered layer with a thickness of 30-50A rather than the electron mean free path X.
The dominant factor for Auger signal during the interface analysis is the altered layer with a thickness of 30-50A rather than the electron mean free path X.