Economic experts said today that the increase in auto sales in the last 30 days is a straw in the wind that the US economy is beginning to recover from the brief recession.
Even better, it periodically saves a document by itself, so even if I mistakenly exit without saving, I can still recover from the last auto-saved copy — which to me was a fantastic feature.
The unreliable nature of the asynchronous requests is acceptable for auto-saving because this is implemented only to partially recover from a browser crash or network failure.
Auto sales in November were little changed from a year ago, but were up from October, as the industry continued to recover from the sales dropoff after the 'cash for clunkers' surge.
Added an auto recovery prompt to recover save games corrupted by the late "Error Code 16" bug.
Economic experts said today that the increase in auto sales in the last 30 days is a straw in the wind that the nation's economy is beginning to recover from the brief recession.
Owners can not help doubting why not to put the useless auto parts into recycle bin, yet recover and put back to use as component?
Owners can not help doubting why not to put the useless auto parts into recycle bin, yet recover and put back to use as component?