Process accuracy, reliability and repeatability are guaranteed by the automatic computer control system, resulting in much higher consistency of production and much better film quality.
In the production of cool rolling seamless steel pipe, its technology is complex, process is tedious and character is special, so the automatic control system of cool rolling mill is a complex system.
Introduce a new system to measure and control the process of gas production, in which single chip computer is used to replace wh - ZB automatic controller to accomplish this task.
In the production process of poisonous gas safety endangers life and explosion in automatic control system, and the equipment selection are designed to prevent danger produce measures.
Therefore the design of automatic control systems PTA plant for improving its level of automation to ensure the safety of the production process, has an important role in operation.
Therefore the design of automatic control systems PTA plant for improving its level of automation to ensure the safety of the production process, has an important role in operation.