With the extensive use of PLC in the automatic control systems in petrochemical industry, correct selection of PLC in the actual work is of great important.
With a project example, presents air conditioning system forms, terminal device design, dividing of air system and water system, design of automatic control system, and equipment selection.
Automation: Microprocessor controlled optical bench, digital speed control, automatic gain selection, advanced system check, automatic power saving mode.
Secondly, the automatic control project of sump and equipment selection were studied. Finally, after system transformation application, results are analyzed.
In the production process of poisonous gas safety endangers life and explosion in automatic control system, and the equipment selection are designed to prevent danger produce measures.
Microprocessor controlled optical bench, digital speed control, automatic gain selection, and dynamic resolution enhancement, advanced system check.
To speed the selection of control-point, a mixed algorithm on automatic selection of control point is proposed.
Then the idea of integral control of automatic resonance and single-phase earth faulted line selection was put forward.
The new arc suppression coil control system consists of line selection device and automatic tuning device which communicate by CAN bus.
新型消弧线圈控制系统采用选线装置和调谐装置两套装置共同组成,两套装置通过CAN 总线进行通信。
To speed the selection of control-point, a mixed algorithm on automatic selection of control point is proposed . The main contents include extraction of feature points, generati…
To speed the selection of control-point, a mixed algorithm on automatic selection of control point is proposed . The main contents include extraction of feature points, generati…