Article 70 the parties must automatically execute the award within the time limit specified in the award.
A new automated lifecycle management feature also lets organizations create custom processes, or modify out-of-the-box processes, and automatically execute them.
The framework will automatically locate and execute files for you, without requiring any manual intervention.
It allows you to automatically and easily execute tests.
This means that the engine internally might execute some of the activities automatically.
In addition, it is desirable to prefix the test method name with "test" so that the test runner will execute all methods automatically.
此外,合适的是测试方法名称都有一个“test ”前缀,这样测试运行人员就可以自动地执行所有的方法。
To execute the db2cos script — and therefore the contained db2pd command — automatically when a lock timeout occurs, lock timeout events are registered using the db2pdcfg command.
要在锁定超时发生时自动执行db2cos脚本(以及包含的db2pd命令,需要使用db2pdcfg 命令注册锁定超时事件。
You can set up the various auto-filers to execute automatically, where the user drops the E-mail on to an E-mail folder and each night the E-mail is automatically moved to a predetermined location.
If this execute method is overridden, the steps will not be executed automatically.
Note that even though the FTP server had automatically closed the connection after 60 seconds on inactivity, the client will only be informed when it tries to execute a command after the timeout.
With the Z-Cron task scheduler with which you are able to execute tasks on your PC automatically and time-triggered.
随著的Z -玉米任务调度与您能够执行任务,你的电脑会自动和时间触发。
There is full command line support in ICE ECC. Command line commands add automatically to queue and execute asynchronous.
There is full command line support in ICE ECC. Command line commands add automatically to queue and execute asynchronous.