This automation test framework can achieve the maximum reusable of automation test scripts and make it easy to use.
At last paper summarizes the advantage of hybrid software automation test framework and puts forward the principle of software automation test framework design.
This paper gives very detail description of automation test strategy, some guidelines for automation test, automation test framework, visual supporting model and review process.
A test automation framework is a set of assumptions, concepts, and practices that provide support for automated software testing.
We will show how testing organizations can obtain framework benefits without framework cost by adopting IBM's approach of advancing test automation through effective manual testing.
In addition, Rational functional Tester includes a Siebel Automation Framework, which allows you to create functional test scripts without using the recorder or the object map.
By writing a Gallio adapter plugin, the new test framework would get the benefit of Gallio's automation services and tools.
Therefore we always try to comply with the spirit of a framework-based approach while looking into new solutions for mainframe and other applications test automation.
The appearance of test automation framework product indicates that the technology of software automated testing is going to be mature.
In order to improve the reusability of the test scripts during the automation test procedures, this paper proposed a keyword driven automated testing framework (LKDT).
The second part introduces automated testing at length, including the problems of automated testing, the principles of implementing it, and bring forward test automation framework.
To solve the problems in GUI automated function test, we introduced a test automation framework, guided by keyword-driven automation theory.
Creating robust and useful test automation framework is a very difficult task.
Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD).
Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD).