One autumn day there fluttered on to the Cathedral roof a slender, sweet-voiced bird that had wandered away from the bare fields and thinning hedgerows in search of a winter roosting-place.
秋日的一天,大教堂屋顶上飞来一只体态轻盈、叫声甜美的小鸟。 它离开荒芜的原野和日渐稀疏的矮树篱只为寻一处冬季的栖息地。
One autumn day there fluttered on to the Cathedral roof a slender, sweet-voiced bird that had wandered away from the bare fields and thinning hedgerows in search of a winter roosting-place.
秋日的一天,大教堂屋顶上飞来一只体态轻盈、叫声甜美的小鸟。 它离开荒芜的原野和日渐稀疏的矮树篱只为寻一处冬季的栖息地。