The results show that the soil water conduction of the plantation was very poor and the available water content was very low during the growing season.
The MDA content and the reducing sugar content is the highest when the available water content is 8.82%, and it has a significant difference with that of the others.
The mathematics model for the relationships among soil available water content with soil texture, particle diameter and dosage of super absorbent ploymer(SAP) was deduced.
In soil-plant-atmosphere system, soil available water content, crop water consumption, and effective precipitation are the main factors in water balance equation of farmland.
The result shows that the high polymers VAM and PHM can not only enhance the water retention ability and the available water content, but also prevent the evaporation from the surface soil.
Biological study shows that the sterilizing water with the available chlorine content can effectively kill most microorganisms on the walls of food equipment.
It increased plough layer soil water and available nutrients content.
The result showed that waste compost could decrease the content of available Cr notably; waste compost could make water soluble Cr change into crystalline-precipitated Cr;
At last, a drought index model was developed by considering the water requirement of winter wheat and the available soil water content.
Heavy granular superphosphate (GTSP) is a high concentration of water-soluble phosphate available, the available phosphorus content is SSP (SSP) of 2.5 ~ 3.0 times.
粒状重过磷酸钙(GTSP)是一种高浓度、水溶性的速效磷肥,其有效磷含量是普钙(ssp)的2.5 ~ 3.0倍。
Heavy granular superphosphate (GTSP) is a high concentration of water-soluble phosphate available, the available phosphorus content is SSP (SSP) of 2.5 ~ 3.0 times.
粒状重过磷酸钙(GTSP)是一种高浓度、水溶性的速效磷肥,其有效磷含量是普钙(ssp)的2.5 ~ 3.0倍。