The tiny size also means that multiplication noise is suppressed by 50% - 70% with respect to conventional avalanche photodetectors.
The microwave solid state noise diodes are investigated based on the PN junction avalanche multiplication theory with tunneling penetration.
You know a noise sometimes brings things down - like an avalanche in the Alps.
The avalanche photodiode detector is followed by a front-end amplifier and equalizer or filter to provide gain as well as linear signal processing and noise bandwidth redution.
For maximum exceed noise ratio generated, circuit structure to match the equivalent circuit diagram of the solid-state noise diode in avalanche breakdown state has been designed.
The spectral noise power density of pure avalanche diodes is compared with that of avalanche the diodes with tunneling penetration.
In the meanwhile, with using more accurate expression of the avalanche excess noise factor, we give a relation schema between sensitivity and dark current.
In the meanwhile, with using more accurate expression of the avalanche excess noise factor, we give a relation schema between sensitivity and dark current.