How do you explain that in Boulder, Colo., the average cost of medicare treatment is $9,103, whereas an hour away in Fort Collins, Colo., the cost is $6,448?
Do you know the average cost of a physician office visit?
Average cost flow assumption assigns the same average cost to each unit.
In this equation, Y represents the average cost of different quantities (X) of units.
We must distinguish between average cost, marginal cost, and average marginal cost.
If you will be required to purchase textbooks, determine what their average cost will be.
The average cost of a Medicare patient in Miami is $16,351; the average in Honolulu is $5,311.
Currently the average cost of commercial housing society which technically has no problems.
This has driven the average cost of each piece of mail up from 34 cents in 2006 to 41 cents.
Carrying loss the negative difference between the return on a portfolio and its average cost.
Perfect Competition and Monopoly emphasize the roles of average cost and marginal cost curves.
The average duration was down to 44 minutes and 3 seconds, with an average cost of $12.06 per request.
平均持续时间缩短到44分钟3秒,每个请求的平均成本为 12.06 美元。
In particular, the query is to return those shipments whose average cost is between two and four dollars.
Mr Reed estimated that the average cost to his city of employing a police officer or firefighter was $180,000 a year.
The average cost of a home in Ireland, where house prices have gone up 15 percent in the past year, is 299,929 euros.
It is important to understand that firms maximize profits by considering the marginal cost , not the average cost.
A survey in 2008 found the average cost of a wedding was now more than? 20,000, compared with? 14,643 five years ago.
A survey in 2008 found the average cost of a wedding was now more than? 20, 000, compared with? 14, 643 five years ago.
The average cost in France and Italy is $50 an hour, and a bag could take five hours to make. Our labor costs are 10% of that.
With its new ColorQube solid ink systems, Xerox says it can pull the average cost of color documents down to about 3 cents a page.
This means that additional users can be added with relatively little increase in total costs, and a decline in average cost per user.
Their study showed that for the sickest patients, the average cost of an additional quality-of-life year was much higher — $488, 000.
In this case, the optimizer USES a generic rule or a default value to estimate an average cost by assuming normal data distribution.
For the average cost of one of these babies ($2.50 to $3.00 per sandwich), you could make a bigger, better, and more nutritious version yourself.
If the average cost when a single firm serves the entire market is lower than when two or more firms serve the market, a monopoly can be the result.
The report says the average cost for them is 1867 RMB per month on meals, house rent, communication and transportation with barely anything left.
By comparison, previous systemic banking crises have on average cost 13% of GDP to resolve, according to estimates by the International Monetary Fund.
By comparison, previous systemic banking crises have on average cost 13% of GDP to resolve, according to estimates by the International Monetary Fund.