Rejoice in your friends, avoid the law and controversies.
It is estimated that 60,000 businesses are exploiting a loophole in the law to avoid prosecution.
Using the motto Talk only to immediate friends, the Law of Demeter states that we should avoid invoking methods of an object that was returned by another object's method.
According to European Union law, a company can request to file for bankruptcy in the country where it has its "centre of main interest", and creditors will fight to avoid the worst regimes.
Law 10 is "Infection: Avoid The Unhappy and Unlucky."
Excerpt was to avoid the impulsive approach. But many intelligent people listening might think it is a stupid law.
China previously did not have a special law covering violence in the family, an issue oftenignored to avoid bringing shame upon the family in traditional Chinese culture.
Introduction of the new labor law, how to avoid employment risks?
To avoid the conditions stated above, a dynamic steering law is presented.
The courts try to apply the canon of the consistent interpretation to avoid the conflicts between the treaties and the domestic law.
Analog engineers could comfortably avoid many of the issues of Moore's Law, viewing it as a costly bad habit with an equally bad outcome.
You should avoid violating the traffic law.
The tax avoidance often refers to a behavior of taxpayers, taking advantage of leaks and shortcomings of tax law, use a public or legal forms to lessen or avoid their taxations.
Welcome to Florida, but avoid arguments or thanks to a new law you run the risk of getting shot, according to an AD campaign launched by a gun-control group.
A way to avoid all of this would be to have the contract governed by the law of an EU country.
Thirdly, the article discusses law's effect on labor dispute, which is to explore whether can solve or avoid labor dispute through perfect law.
The followed law items are for your reference, I'm consulting with the head office to avoid creating the cost if we terminate the labor contract with the staff who was in contract period.
As a fundamental system to avoid moral danger by policy holder in insurance law, double insurance has importance significance for the realization of the function of insurance.
Only to interpret the company Law on the basis of balancing the interests between shareholders and company can protect the shareholders 'legitimate rights and interests and avoid the abuse of power.
To avoid such actions at law, the registered accountants should improve their makings, and act more scientifically and soundly in the way & procedure of audit.
When supported patient's rights, the nurses should protect their own legal rights with the law in order to avoid the medical dispute, maintain the normal medical treatment order.
Only we develop the western region according to law can we avoid efficiently the occurrence of overlooking education and despising people's healthy.
Catching and grappling training is a physical, technical and tactics training to combat crime and reduce or avoid the police's casualties in the process of law enforcement.
The law cannot avoid having an effect upon persons and property;
In the traditional American law case of patent infringing, as if infringe is available, court will issue permanent injunction, avoid of infringing again.
No right no remedy. The economic law is unable to avoid this question.
No right no remedy. The economic law is unable to avoid this question.