Microchips can not only work for a pet's whole life but help lost pets no matter how far they've been away from home.
How do we know, for example, that the stars are really huge balls of fire like the Sun and very far away?
He was surprised to see how far he had come; the village was away behind him.
With Facebook, she could stay connected with her family no matter how far away they were.
Anyway, as I were saying, by analyzing these echoes, the bat can determine, say, if there is wall in a cave that it needs to avoid, and how far away it is.
Researchers can use the observations to infer not just how far away the galaxy lies but also the overall scale of the universe and some details of its expansion.
I suddenly realized how far away our films are from simple beauty, crystal-clear purity and passionate dreams.
You came from such a far away place, you knew nothing about the customs of this land, and yet, you did so well. How did you do it?
But the second factor is how far away we are from the nucleus.
How far away from the first earthquake can aftershocks occur?
And so as we move out, we see continuously from our planet all the way out into the real of galaxies as we see here, light travel time, giving you a sense of how far away we are.
No matter how far away the event was or how long it lasted, I always came home at night so that I could be there when Chelsea woke up.
How rare, how unattainable, how far away it seemed!
You have seen in recent days how events in far away places can affect your country in a significant way.
The disparity between the two images is what helps us figure out how far away an object is.
You can also ignore perspective and draw all objects the same size, no matter how far away they are.
They get projected on surfaces, according to how far the surface is away; [up close] I get tiny little tiny letters and if I look at the sky, they're huge.
Macro series examines the correlation between the real size of objects and the size that we perceive depending on how far away we are.
At two months we can move both our eyes together and begin to appreciate how far away things are.
This allows users to see how far away their contacts are, introducing a whole new dimension to mobile communication.
By measuring the amount of red-shifting, it's possible to calculate how fast the galaxies are moving apart and also how far away they are.
Nonverbal communication is your body language, the tone of your voice, its inflection, eye contact, and how far away you are when you talk to someone else.
So again, if you know the radius, if you know how far you are away from the Earth, the period follows uniquely.
My dad was upset -- not the usual stuff that he and Mom and, I guess, a lot of parents worry about, like which college I'm going to, how far away it is from home and how much it's going to cost.
This is one of the great things in - life for you and for me — a challenge: How far can you go and get away with it?
Another way to try to nail down just what sort of signal you should expect is to look into how far away your local towers are.
You need to look beyond the current situation and be able to imagine a time, no matter how far away — a week, a month or a decade — that is better than now.
You need to look beyond the current situation and be able to imagine a time, no matter how far away — a week, a month or a decade — that is better than now.