The guitarist went AWOL in the middle of the recording.
After Bosnia, his next deployment, he went AWOL.
The number of AWOL soldiers has doubled since we invaded Iraq.
Your correspondent had no trouble using his little finger on his palmtop’s six-inch touchscreen when the stylus went AWOL.
Just now he said: "From now on you have to submit a written slip to me before you take more than an hour off. Without this, I'll regard you as AWOL."
Its President, Masataka Shimizu, is being lambasted for falling ill (some say going AWOL) during the emergency; the company has yet to explain his absence.
They build what they want to build, usually because customers go AWOL once the project starts, or the programmers give up talking to business people at some point.
他们构建 他们想构建的东西,这通常是因为客户在项目一开始时就擅离职守,或者是程序员在某些时刻放弃与业务人员交谈。
Shepherd who had worked as an Apache helicopter mechanic at a US military base in the south German town of Katterbach has been AWOL from his unit since April 2007.
My new public-school friends called me "poor boy," the kid who often didn't have enough money for lunch and had an AWOL father whose name my mother seldom mentioned.
As my husband and I walked our wailing baby up and down through the night, and I seriously contemplated going AWOL, I wondered if I was cut out to be a mother at all.
当夜里我和我的丈夫抱着哭闹不止的儿子,走来走去哄他睡觉,我开始认真考虑是否要“撤退”。 我怀疑自己是否适合做母亲。
As my husband and I walked our wailing baby up and down through the night, and I seriously contemplated going AWOL, I wondered if I was cut out to be a mother at all.
当夜里我和我的丈夫抱着哭闹不止的儿子,走来走去哄他睡觉,我开始认真考虑是否要“撤退”。 我怀疑自己是否适合做母亲。