The high B vitamin content of whole grains also helps reduce the inflammatory hormone 17 homocystine in the body.
General B vitamin deficiency may result in fatigue and weakness.
After the site closure, BASF will no longer produce formulated B vitamin products.
Add some low-fat cheese to round out a side dish with immune-enhancing B vitamins and vitamin d.
Niacin is a B vitamin that helps maintain healthy skin and nerves. It is also has cholesterol-lowering effects.
We need B vitamins for healthy nerves and brain cells, and feelings of anxiety may be rooted in a B vitamin deficiency.
We need B vitamins for healthy nerves and brain cells, and feelings of anxiety may be rooted in a B vitamin deficiency.
He said it was still unclear how folic acid - the synthetic form of folate, a B vitamin - worked in securing pregnancy.
Spinach Spinach is loaded with iron and folate, a B vitamin considered so important that it is now routinely added to flour.
The third form of B vitamin useful to crystalline biology is not found in foods as much as produced by new glands in the ascending genetic blueprint.
It contains good amounts of B Vitamins, Vitamin A, iron and riboflavin all which are essential nutrients for immunity, healthy skin, nerves and vision.
Jirtle's team fed one group of pregnant agouti mice a diet rich in B vitamins (folic acid and vitamin B12). Another group of genetically identical pregnant agouti mice got no such prenatal nutrition.
You are asked to swallow a capsule containing vitamin B.
Vitamin B assists in red-blood-cell regeneration.
But as a clinician sitting in front of a patient I would say vitamin B supplements are fairly safe, they are not expensive and what we have found here is extremely convincing.
These vitamin B and C are to build up your resistance.
Peanuts are a good source of vitamin E and B and can be enjoyed all the time.
Prof Smith said it was still early to say exactly how vitamin B worked.
Iron. Like vitamin B-12, iron is a crucial component of red blood cells.
与维生素b - 12一样,铁是血红细胞的重要组成元素。
Vegans can get vitamin B-12 from some enriched cereals, fortified soy products or by taking a supplement that contains this vitamin.
严格的素食主义者可从精加工的谷物,强化豆制品或含有维生素b - 12的营养补品中获得。
Folate, and the related folic acid or vitamin B9, is part of the vitamin B-complex family, which as a whole has cancer-preventive properties.
To produce hemoglobin and red blood cells, your body needs iron, vitamin B-12, folate and other nutrients from the foods you eat.
骨髓是一种红色、海绵状的东东,居住在很多大骨头的腔隙(骨髓腔)里;它需要铁元素、维生素B 12 、叶酸等原料来制造血红蛋白和红细胞。
Pregnant women or women who may become pregnant should be certain to get enough folate, or folic acid, a B-complex vitamin — 600 units a day, rather than 400.
A daily dose of 50 to 100 mg of vitamin B-6 may help some women with troublesome PMS symptoms.
每日服用50——100毫克剂量的维生素b - 6能帮助缓解令人苦恼的PMS症状。
A study involving nearly 39,000 women has found multivitamins, vitamin B, folic acid, iron, magnesium and copper all increased the statistical risk of premature death.
A study involving nearly 39, 000 women has found multivitamins, vitamin B, folic acid, iron, magnesium and copper all increased the statistical risk of premature death.
A study involving nearly 39, 000 women has found multivitamins, vitamin B, folic acid, iron, magnesium and copper all increased the statistical risk of premature death.