Temperature, however, is not the only thing that can cause this polymer to shift from liquid to solid and back.
A shift in focus back to the importance of the individual.
Less American involvement in European security will shift the burden back onto Europeans to manage Russia's intimidation of its neighbors and solve "frozen conflicts" on Europe's periphery.
A person making that kind of shift, along with cutting way back on junk food and carbohydrates, might still see positive health changes.
So, we would love to know your thoughts on how you're going to balance these two going forward, or even potentially shift the conversation back, " Hal asked.
I feel like everything slows to a crawl. And when I shift back up to a higher level perspective, it's like I'm back in the flow again.
According to a recent report in the Wall Street Journal, the shift back to tonal music "comes as large orchestras face declining attendance and an elderly base of subscribers."
The DoE suggested that for the NINA, Fisker could shift manufacturing back to America.
To stand, you have to tense your leg muscles, and engage the muscles of your back and shoulders; while standing, you often shift from leg to leg.
Shift from doing to being - Once you get a taste of this shift in consciousness, you will never want to go back to deadening world of the unconscious identification with the mind created self-image.
Nonetheless, the timing of the strategic shift towards pulling back support for financial markets is symbolic.
In China, rising wages have prompted Suggestions that manufacturers might shift capacity to other low-cost locations, or even back to the west.
I'm too far down the proverbial rabbit hole to be able to turn back, so part of me knows this is a permanent shift of some sort.
And Hamas leaders in Gaza say they are keen to see the movement's centre of gravity shift back home.
Others suggest that it is because falling inflation has allowed the bank to shift its attention back to the exchange rate.
This might feel insecure, but once you step up, your weight will shift back onto your feet.
By using only a 100cm by 150cm fabric piece, slicing it in half and meticulously fraying the fabric at the edges, I created the shape of the front and back of a pattern piece for a simple shift dress.
When progress stalls, step back, assess the reasons, shift gears, and accelerate action.
Rent is rising and state-sponsored jobs which used to bring money into the area are being cut back in the name of a shift to unpaid "big society" roles.
She chooses not to shift the window on the home office back three hours — too much chance of being caught by surprise.
If ICE wins, the industry's balance of power will shift back towards Wall Street.
To start, stand with one foot in front of the other and shift your weight back and forth (versus around in a circle).
Meanwhile, back in China, there's been the opposite shift: people are choosing game consoles.
For example, if a server is restarted in the middle of a busy shift, you need to plan for additional processor resources as your entire user population logs back into this server.
For example, if a server is restarted in the middle of a busy shift, you need to plan for additional processor resources as your entire user population logs back into this server.