The Irish parliament has voted by a big majority to back a bill legalizing abortions when the cases are medical emergency.
Instead of bringing forward legislation to ban sunbeds for under-18s himself, Mr Burnham will merely back a Bill laid down tomorrow by one of his party's backbenchers.
Last year, reproductive justice advocates beat back a bill that would require doctors to "screen" women of color having abortions for some kind of pressure to abort because of race.
For example, if a student smiles at Bill, he responds by smiling back.
My mother was so touched by her gesture that she decided to go back to the store and give the cashier a five-dollar bill to keep on hand in case the same happened to someone else if they didn't have enough money for all of their groceries.
Excuse me. bill. Back in a second.
A: Hi, Bill. When did you get back?
Every A-list sycophant in American used to show up there in the early 1990s, back when it wasn't embarrassing to admit that you were a friend of Bill Clinton.
You might instruct your accounting team to slow down bill payment a bit and bring it back in line with prior practices. That could help produce better cash flow.
We can pass a road construction bill so construction crews - now sitting idle - can head back to the worksite, rebuilding roads, Bridges, and airports.
After talks the opposition agreed to back the bill in a second vote, in exchange for early elections in March 2012.
A: It goes back to the roots of how the Foundation came into being: Bill and Melinda Gates read about the rotavirus vaccine that their children had access to.
Back in his room he unrolled it and found a hundred-dollar bill.
It's a jobs bill that does two simple things: put more people back to work, and more money back in the pockets of people who are working.
So I went back to my cabin and I took the bill that I cared most about: a two Canadian dollars bill in good condition.
But it may yet play a bigger role as the Senate, coming back from recess in September, takes up and modifies the bill.
“If this bill goes down,” he says, “it will be a very long time before we come back to it.
After a month I agreed with them, I told Bill I'm quitting, going back to Stanford.
It's a jobs bill that does two simple things: put more people back to work, and more money back in the pockets of people who are working.
Even if there were such a to-and-fro, it seems likely that Mr Obama, who brought the health bill back from near-death, will soon get a final health reform package.
The two of you get into the back of the cab, and the woman hands the doorman a twenty-dollar bill.
Elderly couple Faye and Bill Walker and their son, who was in a wheelchair, had their car packed, key in the ignition and family dog in the back.
Interestingly, Color CEO Bill Nguyen has said Color may add Facebook Connect, as well as tell new users who are not within a reasonable distance of other people to come back later.
有趣的是,Color公司的首席执行官比尔•阮(Bill Nguyen)说,Color可能会添加FacebookConnect,并会告诉那些其他人不容易接触的新用户来使用Color应用。
"It is a jobs bill that does two simple things: put more people back to work and more money back in the pockets of people who are working, " said Obama.
"It is a jobs bill that does two simple things: put more people back to work and more money back in the pockets of people who are working, " said Obama.