In these programmes, I'm travelling back in time and across the globe, to see how we humans, over two million years, have shaped our world, and been shaped by it.
You will rarely come across something that has not been struggled over and solved back in 2004.
Over three hundred of them are scattered across Costa Rica, but we’ll never know why – the people who made them back in 1,000 C.E. are long gone and had no written records.
Over three hundred of them are scattered across Costa Rica, but we’ll never know why – the people who made them back in 1, 000 C.E. are long gone and had no written records.
At the small table, a table for four of five, the seat right across of the host seat, the seat over there, the back of which is facing the door is the seat for the main guest.
They started off, and this time the hare carried the tortoise till the riverbank. There, the tortoise took over and swam across with the hare on his back.
它们一起出发,这次可是兔子扛著乌龟,直到一起出发次可是兔子扛著乌龟, 乌龟在那里,乌龟接手接手, 兔子过河边。在那里,乌龟接手,背着兔子过河…
The boy put the dog over his shoulder and started to walk back across the pond.
Over time, the first-timer traveler's trails across Europe have swayed back 'n 'forth, with changes ushered in by the advent of trains, Mark Twain, is't he dead?
Over time, the first-timer traveler's trails across Europe have swayed back 'n 'forth, with changes ushered in by the advent of trains, Mark Twain, is't he dead?