"My expectation is that when you look back on these years you will look back and see a time when we put a stop against discrimination... whether in the office or the battlefield," Obama said.
The bookmarks back end then matches the keywords against my bookmarks, the RSS back end retrieves the latest four articles from my site, and the FOAF back end shows my personal information.
Technically, back labor occurs when the fetus is in a posterior position, with its face up and the back of its head pressing against your sacrum, or the back of your pelvis.
Sit in your chair with your back tight against the chair back.
"We've had back to back wins, played well against some decent teams, and hopefully we're going on a run now, " said Finnan.
Now I know it was the second game of a back to back against a uptempo team who was coming off of three days rest so I'm not to worried about this loss as a whole.
Brace your back heel or the back of your torso against a wall if you feel unsteady in the pose.
Jackson was vague when asked if Gasol would play Sunday or Monday in back-to-back games against Golden State.
This lecture will address the anatomy of the back and will at the same time present the most effective exercises against back problems.
The SBLC will be cashed back against the last deliveries or sent back at maturity day.
You can check your alignment in this pose with your back against a wall. Stand with the backs of your heels, sacrum, and shoulder blades (but not the back of your head) touching the wall.
Sit with your back firmly against the chair. If necessary, place a small cushion or rolled towel behind the curve of your lower back.
Firm your scapulas against your back torso, lengthen your coccyx toward the floor, and arch your upper torso back slightly.
He leaned into my back and I felt the solid wall of his chest radiate heat against my bare back.
Jackson will coach Sunday's game against Memphis and is not expected to miss any other games because there are no more back-to-back situations after tonight.
A monkey infant enters the birth canal headfirst, with the broad back of its skull against the roomy back of the mother 's pelvis and tailbone.
The Frenchman, usually deployed as a left-back for Pompey, lined up against Middlesbrough as a wing-back.
Firm your scapulas against your back torso, lengthen your coccyx toward the floor, and arch your upper torso back slightly.
We go to Utah for another back-to-back. (That's another long flight too.) we owe Utah one from earlier in the season when we had a big lead against them and they came back and got us at home.
As everybody saw in the first half against Tottenham, we had bounced back from the set-back against Barcelona and just got on with it.
The back-to-back decreases have specialists hoping that they may at last be gaining the upper hand in their long battle against the disease.
Here, we attach MaYuge's diary of 5,300 words, "Down the Hill against Wind and Snow and Back to Nanchang alone at Night " as a good example on the back for your own appreciation.
Here, we attach MaYuge's diary of 5,300 words, "Down the Hill against Wind and Snow and Back to Nanchang alone at Night " as a good example on the back for your own appreciation.