This welding backing is used with all one-side processes. Especially for those which do not demand back bead cleaning.
It is necessary to extract molten pool geometrical parameters in real time or to extract back bead width off-line either in seam tracking or in penetration control.
You can imagine a bead with a wire going through it and the bead can only slide back and forth.
It easy to occur defect on the back of bead in pressure pipe TIG welding, which can be solved by using the anti, direction wire feeding method successfully.
Roman blinds: Looped bead chains and exposed inner cords on the back of Roman blinds can present an entanglement or strangulation hazard to young children if they are placed around their neck.
Fatigue life is able to increase more than 90 % as using technique that makes bead forming on the back side.
Eventually the light swelled so that all the lines of the varnished bead board walls stood clear, and Inman could cock back on the chair's hind legs and count the flies on the ceiling.
The utility model is characterized in that a single micro glass bead layer is coated on the peripheral edges of the front side and the back side of the traffic safety satchel.
Swallows return should be back to rain, the first twelve lines on the bead curtain.
Swallows return should be back to rain, the first twelve lines on the bead curtain.