Still, efforts to roll back homework have been opposed by those who counter that there is not enough time in the school day to cover required topics and that homework reinforces classroom learning.
Moreover, the agency wanted a premium of close to 10% and a counter-guarantee from a commercial bank so that, in the case of a payout, it had a chance to claw back the funds.
At halftime I headed back for another round, and this time a lady at the counter asked me to take my New York State driver's license out of the plastic window in the wallet and hand it to her.
All the other flavors were kept in the back of the store at a different counter where it took considerably longer to find the flavor and get checked out.
His back shaved the counter in passing.
If you can't talk to me personally because of our work schedules, you can leave a note on my counter and I'll get back to you. This has worked really well in the past!
The kitchen in the back is a convenient open-counter style, and is connected to the dining room with a wide corner window.
These CARDS, incidentally, are usually kept out of sight of the guests, either behind the counter or in a separate room in the back of the counter.
These CARDS, incidentally, are usually kept out of sight of the guests, either behind the counter or in a separate room in back of the counter.
When he turned back to the counter that enabled him to serve people in the street, there was a young, tough-looking man standing there.
The search for some way to counter Obama's easy brilliance, her search for a true public voice, was proving much harder than her discovery of a new mission back in India in 1995.
The shop is a two-storey building with a counter at the front, where staff deal with customers, and dry-cleaning equipment in the back and upstairs.
Back gauge adopts power fast, easy operation and reliable leagth with counter displaying in the front.
Back gauge adopts power fast, easy operation and reliable leagth with counter displaying in the front.