'Paying closer attention to your body's side profile can really help to identify back or neck pain triggers.
One in three employees with a commute longer than 90 minutes say they have had recurring neck or back pain within in the past 12 months.
These include pain in one or both thearms, neck, stomach (indigestion or acidity), back and/or jaw.
Headaches, neck pain, body pain or lower back pain.
A presumptive diagnosis of disk disease is made based on the dog's history of neck or back pain in coordination when walking, or paralysis when there is no history of trauma.
Common symptoms are stiffness or soreness in the upper back, headache, and pain in the neck.
This can lead to health problems. For example, using a smartphone on the train or sofa can cause back and neck pain.
Have you ever had an aching back or pain in your neck when you were anxious or stressed? When you have anxiety or stress in your life, one of the ways your body responds is with muscle tension.
In a small study of 63 people with mild-to-moderate back, neck, or shoulder pain, 4 weeks of treatment with a standardized extract of devil's claw root provided moderate relief from muscle pain.
William Case a physical therapist in Houston Texas said an aggravated neck or shoulder can lead to upper back problems meaning pain may then be felt while working at a computer or playing sports.
William Case a physical therapist in Houston Texas said an aggravated neck or shoulder can lead to upper back problems meaning pain may then be felt while working at a computer or playing sports.