Then you have all kinds of control set points and if the pressure goes too low you can in fact put heaters back on to get the pressure above twenty two hundred.
Back pressure Regulators work well where applications require high precision control of back pressure or relief pressures.
Aided with computer, the intelligent well control system monitors and the real-time controls are used to control back pressure of the drilling well head.
The Fairchild Model 10BP Back Pressure Regulator is an excellent choice for applications which require high precision control of back pressures and relief pressures.
The hospitals had cut way back on the large amounts of pain-killing drugs usually given during and after surgery that were used primarily to control blood pressure, not pain.
Working pressure is the hydraulic pressure control valve before the working hydraulic control valve back pressure minus the difference.
The system can pump the helium in the gasbag back to the high-pressure gas storage tank through the compressor or control the exhaust valve to exhaust so as to adjust buoyancy force.
Based on method of exhaust back-pressure to judge DPF regeneration time, working principle of regeneration control system was introduced.
Based on method of exhaust back-pressure to judge DPF regeneration time, working principle of regeneration control system was introduced.