The case study of a high bypass ratio turbofan engine has verified the feasibility of a three-layer back propagation network.
This paper introduces Neural net to the fields of air-materials demands analysis, and applies Back Propagation network to forecast.
The method and steps of BP (Back Propagation) neural network for recognizing and forecasting power load in batch data processing of chronological sequence is presented.
In this model, back propagation algorithm based on forward networks was conducted to learn information of historical data and to train the network weights.
With the implicit function relation, BP (Back Propagation) neural network can easily realize the mapping between input data and output data.
Data of ultimate shear stress of hyper concentration flow are trained several times by Back Propagation (BP) neural network method.
Next, an Improved Back Propagation(IBP)algorithm is proposed, considering the drawbacks of the standard Back Propagation (BP) in the neural network theory.
Feedforward networks use back propagation algorithm to train a multi-layer network. After training, the multi-layer network can fit the function in the data space very well.
The I/O relationship of back propagation algorithm (BP algorithm) for Feed-Forward Multi-layered Neural Network is a mapping relationship, which can resolve the above nonlinear problem.
The following paper constructs a artificial neural network - named water quantity predicting model, using automatically adapting and step-self-changing back propagation method(ABPM).
The model and learning algorithms of BP( Error Back Propagation)network, which is widely applied, is recommended, and RBF( Radial B asis Function)is simply recommended contrastively.
Numerical results show that the recurrent back propagation control neural network controller has good effectiveness for various kinds of reference speeds of the ultrasonic motor.
This article introduces a predictive model of Artificial Neural network of red tide biology density and environment factors by use of the back propagation (BP) network.
High nonlinear problem which is often met in Chemical engineering, taking the study of tray leakage mode as example, is treated by adopted BP (back propagation) algorithm in artificial neural network.
To enhance the validity of evaluation, based on ANN(artificial neural network), a comprehensive evaluation model of the safety of road traffic based on BP(back propagation) neural network was built.
This mapping relation is determined by training neural network with a back-propagation algorithm, which is utilized to estimate images at finer resolution from coarser versions.
A model for urban road network traffic congestion forecast based on probe vehicle technology, fuzzy logic judgement and back-propagation (BP) neural network was proposed.
Combined Genetic Algorithms (ga) and back-propagation neural network (BP), an optimized GA-BP model was established to predict phosphorus content. Some data were chosen to train the network model.
结合遗传算法(GA)和误差反馈型神经网络(BP),建立了优化的GA - BP神经网络预测模型,预测转炉炼钢过程钢液终点磷含量。
This paper gave a brief review on neural nets and neural computers, neuron models, layered network structures, error back-propagation algorithm and its application to geophysical inversion.
The texture classification is completed with back propagation (BP) neural network.
A new method of prediction on the radiant brightness values of deuterium lamps is proposed using back propagation (b p) neural network.
本文提出了应用B -P神经网络预测氘灯辐亮度值的新方法。
Finally the back-propagation artificial neural network (BPANN) is employed to calculate and correlate the solubility experiment data, and the results are satisfactory.
Back propagation (BP) algorithm is often used for the weights training of neural network, but the convergence speed of BP algorithm is slow.
By means of BP (error back propagation) artificial nerve network, with data from alarm, weather and engineering documents, microwave hop performance analysis and forecast model is established.
This paper provided the deduction of an algorithm for artificial neural network - the error back-propagation learning algorithm and the procedure to carry it out on computer.
This paper provided the deduction of an algorithm for artificial neural network - the error back-propagation learning algorithm and the procedure to carry it out on computer.