That way, when users click the Back button, they will be taken back to the previous tab rather than being yanked out of the checkout process to whatever page they were on previously.
If an unauthorized visitor attempts entry with an incorrect password, you can choose to display a blank page, redirect to a different URL, or go back to the previous page.
Users expect they can click the Back button to return to the previous page or view.
In Firefox, you can set your backspace to better use by getting it to either go back to the previous page or act as page up function.
For example, if you plan to use just servlets and JSP pages and you need to get your users back to the previous page, you can just use the code in Listing 21.
This works similarly to the cancel button that you saw earlier, transitioning back to the previous page.
We need to subscribe to that event so that we can manipulate the Stack Controller when the user chooses to go back to a previous page in the breadcrumb trail.
After completing the previous exercise, go back to the Boogle home page.
The cancel class will cause the link to return to the previous page, similar to the back class.
Every theme provides the possibility to move forward to the next Photo-Page in this album, or back to the previous one.
Sorry, the options are not complete, please go back to the previous page and re-choose.
Please do not use your browser's back or refresh button. Instead, use the back button located at the bottom should you need to return to the previous page.
Please do not use your browser's back or refresh button. Instead, use the back button located at the bottom should you need to return to the previous page.