We tried to see if we could design a space that would be 'indoor' (which was closed in terms of the thermal environment) but would give a feeling of being 'outdoors' as a backdrop within the building.
Green is the pervasive color in the natural world, making it an ideal backdrop in interior design because we are so used to seeing it everywhere.
Lime or marble wall kind of backdrop for larger rooms, furniture should be a simple design based.
Earthen walls and planters around a Tucson home form a comfortable visual backdrop for water-efficient landscape design that features desert-adapted plants.
The urban design symposium will address issues such as the challenges of design against the backdrop of a culturally rich environment and context.
The design is intended to be bold on approach from the street, while also providing a significant backdrop to the new city square.
The design is intended to be bold on approach from the street, while also providing a significant backdrop to the new city square.