According to Mr Stettler, Alstom, a French engineering group, has an order backlog worth 47 billion euro ($61 billion), equivalent to more than two years of revenue.
"This acquisition is included in Embraer's firm order backlog for the third quarter of 2009," Embraer said in a news release.
The fulfill_orders procedure above calls the order_items procedure for each order from the orders table that is not in backlog.
Its total order backlog is more than 3, 700 planes, the equivalent of about six years' production.
As requested, we are submitting our quotation in triplicate and wish for you to place your order with us as early as possible because we have a large backlog.
The order backlog, together with 363 units of other orders awarded but yet to be signed, gives us great confidence in fulfilling our order needs for 2010 and 2011.
As requested, we are submitting our quotation in triplicate and wish for you to place your order with us as early as possible because we have a large backlog.
As requested, we are submitting our quotation in triplicate and wish for you to place your order with us as early as possible because we have a large backlog.