You should make a copy of the disk as a backup.
You might use this feature to remove temporary files, copy files as a simple method of backup, or perhaps even launch rsync to distribute any changes made in this most current session.
You should then copy that subdirectory to an area outside the portlet as a backup.
In other cases, you might want to make a copy of the object definition to store and use as a backup while you continue to modify the definition of the object.
This article provides a group of powerful procedures that allow for schema-level operations such as logical backup, restore, and copy of all objects in a given schema.
Backup corruption happens when you copy a file as it is being written so that you have a backup that is in an inconsistent state.
Easy to Integrate Do you want to compress backup ? Backup it to tape, FTP or any network backup software - it is easy as you just need to copy files.
容易保持完整性想要压缩备份文件吗?把它们备份到磁带上,FTP或者网络备份软件-- 十分简单,因为只需要拷贝文件即可。
Let's make another copy of the DV of our baby as a backup.
Backup it to tape, FTP or any network backup software - it is easy as you just need to copy files.
Computer Science A stored file of data from which two successive files have been derived, used for comparison with or as a backup copy for the newer files.
Computer Science A stored file of data from which two successive files have been derived, used for comparison with or as a backup copy for the newer files.