The R plasmid curing experiment was performed in Shigella strain, F_(13), which used as a target bacteria bearing R plasmid with Huangqin, a traditional chinese herb, as a elimination agent in vitro.
Any of various aerobic bacteria of the genus Spirillum, having an elongated spiral form and bearing a tuft of flagella.
A specialized pigment-bearing organelle in certain photosynthetic bacteria and cyanobacteria.
载色体在某些' '。'光合'。' '细菌和含氰细菌中特殊的。
The natural genetic engineering showed that bacteria could restructure their genome to adapt to around environment sometimes instead of passively bearing natural selection.
The results showed that this bacteria could induce apoptosis of tumor cells when injected into the peritoneum of tumor-bearing mouses.
The results showed that this bacteria could induce apoptosis of tumor cells when injected into the peritoneum of tumor-bearing mouses.