The most common form of the gene makes rice plants more susceptible to bacterial leaf blight but also makes them produce more pollen.
Abstract : Rice bacterial leaf blight rises in epidemic trend in recent years, which is a threat to high and stable rice production.
The results indicate that the BTH induced resistance against the bacterial leaf blight disease was most likely to be a response of systemic acquired resistance.
Among the eucalypt diseased, bacterial wilt, little-leaf, seedling, brown spot, leaf rust, shoot blight, stem canker and butt rot are new disease records in Taiwan.
Control effects on potato late blight (PLB) of the bacterial suspension and the filtrate of strain EB-28 were tested on detached-leaf trials and potted plant trials.
试验分别测试了EB - 28菌悬液及无菌体培养液在离体叶片与盆栽马铃薯上对马铃薯晚疫病的防治效果。
The method can be used to engineer broad-spectrum resistance of rice to bacterial blight and enhanced resistance to bacterial leaf streak.
The method can be used to engineer broad-spectrum resistance of rice to bacterial blight and enhanced resistance to bacterial leaf streak.