Take the hit up front by putting the toxic assets into a "bad bank" that acts as a cordon sanitaire.
Good Bank, Bad Bank, Good Plan, Bad Plan.
A "bad bank" scheme approved in July falls far short of what is required.
An alternative (or perhaps prelude) to a bad bank would be nationalisation.
They realized that they really needed the bad bank before things could move.
The present paper is concerned with how to turn bad bank assets into securities.
In another throwback, plans are afoot to create a "bad bank" for Dexia's worst assets.
This kind of structure, avoiding many of TARP’s flaws, makes for a less bad “bad bank.”
The third section analyses the current situation of commercial bank bad bank assets in our country.
Banks would achieve a return on their consigned assets only as the bad bank sold them or allowed them to mature.
Another is to take the hit up front, by putting the toxic assets into a “bad bank” that acts as a cordon sanitaire.
The leading proposal to rescue Lehman had been to divide the bank into two entities, a “good bank” and a “bad bank.”
The bad bank could retain a modest commission, perhaps 5 percent, and return the net proceeds of asset sales to each bank.
Meantime, the bad bank would act like the Resolution Trust Corporation, which gradually liquidated the assets consigned to it.
In the financial crises of South-Eastem Asia in 1997, bad bank system played the role of chief culpnt and became the major cause.
The reckoning took account of the likely losses from transferring the Banks' worst loans at a discount to NAMA, Ireland's "bad bank".
The "bad bank" inherits the bad assets and the rest of the capital - which, after appropriate markdowns of the assets, will not be enough.
More will be necessary if, as is rumoured, Barack Obama's team creates a bad bank to take on troubled loans and puts more capital into Banks.
In each case, the assets taken over by the bad bank were equal to about 8% of GDP, according to a study by Daniela Klingebiel of the World bank.
Now French and Belgian officials are discussing how to split the bank up and create a so called "bad bank" that would hold its worst assets.
In essence, the 'bad bank' discount that investors once could count on when Chinese Banks were a less-tested commodity in global markets is gone.
Its shareholders have also agreed to guarantee 1 billion of losses on assets in the bad bank and they remain on the hook if losses go higher still.
WestLB will inject 3 billion in capital into a bad bank that will take over the toxic assets, the equivalent of about a third of its balance-sheet.
The good bank will keep the retail deposits and some existing mortgages. The bad bank will take no deposits and look after the remaining assets.
It is early days, but one choice for Mr Dinallo would be to corral their worst risks in a "bad bank", leaving the rest intact-and more tightly regulated.
With the Asia Financial Crisis had broken out, it was one of the important reasons that there had been giant bad bank assets in finance institutions.
While the discussions remains fluid and might not result in an agreement, talks were progressing Sunday toward creation of what would essentially be a 'bad bank.'
What is needed, the experts say, is a more systematic approach through the creation of a "bad bank" to assume the bad assets, leaving "good Banks" to resume lending.
What is needed, the experts say, is a more systematic approach through the creation of a "bad bank" to assume the bad assets, leaving "good Banks" to resume lending.